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welcome to 2014: a holiday news recap

Image: Wikimedia Commons

Image: Wikimedia Commons

Happy New Year, and Welcome Back, Lipsters!

If you’re anything like me, you will have spent the last week-and-a-bit pretty much inebriated and therefore, too indisposed to know/care about current events, let alone form eloquent opinions on them. You will no doubt be wondering what’s been happening out there in the real world while the only reason you’ve been online is to Instagram/Facebook pictures of food, festive relatives, a quirky shot of your feet in Jelly Beans at the beach and maybe even a pet in a cute little hat or something.

So, for your convenience, here’s a bit of a recap of what’s been going on…

Pussy Riot members freed from scary Russian prison that undertook daily forced gynaecological examinations

The Canadian Supreme Court rejected anti-prostitution laws.

The Spanish government are backing tougher abortion laws. Then, surprise, surprise, desperate women turn to desperate and dangerous means to deal with unwanted pregnancies…

Female US Naval officers were forced to carry big gross tubs of human waste in what was probably a strange military hazing ritual. WTF.

UK porn filters also awkwardly blocked sex education websites. Good one, guys.

*Trigger Warning – An Indian woman was raped repeatedly on Christmas Eve. Worst.

US President Obama signed a bill that will crack down on the rising rates of sexual assault in the military. THANKS Obama.

Miley Cyrus released her latest single, and she’s naked and apparently masturbating in the film clip. Shock Horror.

In other trashy former-child-star news, Justin Bieber told the Internet that he’s calling it a day from all his hard work, cashing in his super and retiring from music. And all was right in the land.

Everyone is all up in Gal Gadot’s grill about the apparent fact that she’s ‘too skinny’ to play Wonder Woman in the upcoming Batman Vs Superman film. She responds to these critics.

Creator of dating/hook-up app, Tinder (the Grindr for cis-hets,) said women ‘aren’t wired’ for hooking up. Thanks for that, buddy.

The New South Wales Government is pushing for more female apprenticeships in light of a study that found a tonne of stupid reasons for ‘traditionally male’ trades not taking on young women.

A new report from the Human Rights Watch has found that police harassment of sex workers in Louisiana may be causing the number of AIDS fatalities to increase.

China reformed labour camps and one child policy. The one child policy has now been loosened, after complaints that it had become too excessive, allowing parents who have no siblings of their own to have a second child.

All abortions in Israel will be state-funded in 2014.

Here at Lip we’re very excited for what’s in store for 2014, and as always, we are looking forward to bringing you thoughtful opinions, insights and debates on all things feminism, news, politics, culture and beyond. 

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