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Thursday 23 February 2012

‘Bludgers’ and ‘Parasites’: What Happened to Our Compassion?

Bianca Bozzi

Unemployment in Australia has long been a contentious issue, where there is usually no in between as many are quick to choose a side: either you feel compassion for those struggling to balance a basic standard of living with trying to look for work or you believe that no obstacle should have to stand in…
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Wednesday 26 October 2011
Culture Featured

love out loud: the maintained man

Dunja Kay
One comment

Sometimes, I feel like giving myself a pat on the back for being such a feminist. I am such a feminist that not only do I not subscribe to traditional gender roles, but I reverse them. That’s right folks. My boyfriend is a kept man. Except that I never agreed to this. Aforementioned boyfriend got…
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