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Thursday 28 April 2016

the triumphs and limitations of Title IX in women’s sports

Danika Kimball
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When Title IX was signed into law by President Richard Nixon forty years ago, gender equality in sports wasn’t on the forefront of legislator’s minds. Rather, the landmark legislation, which bans sex discrimination in any educational program receiving federal funding, was a response to social realities that were holding women back at the time. The…
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Friday 6 November 2015

serena williams talks diversity in sports and technology

Danika Kimball
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Last week, tech magazine Wired announced that the current issue of the magazine would be guest edited by Serena Williams. Undoubtedly one of the greatest athletes of our time, Williams mentioned the significance of the Rooney rule in the NFL, which requires the league to interview minority candidates for senior positions. She also notes that…
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