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Tuesday 10 December 2013
Arts Music

interview: asta

Marissa Paine
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Tasmania’s Asta was blown away by the reception she received on her East Coast tour, which took place earlier this year. ‘I’ve released three singles, but I’d been behind the scenes a lot and I haven’t really been out in the open’, she says. ‘For me, that tour was such an amazing experience because I…
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Thursday 12 September 2013
News World

in brief : four men convicted in delhi gang rape case

Toby Newton
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(Image via Flickr) Four men have been convicted in New Delhi over the gang rape and murder of a 23 year old physiotherapy student onboard a moving bus in December last year. The victim was viciously assaulted by the group for an hour before being thrown from the bus along with a male friend she…
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Tuesday 23 July 2013
Culture Health Life

Are more women entering physically challenging competitions?

Kym Campradt
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Are you a woman with a huge, physically and mentally challenging goal on your bucket list?  Well, you’re not the only one. Running long distances, running through mud, receiving electric shocks and trekking mountains are now the norm for challenges which both women and men are grabbing head on. But the increase of women in…
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Monday 22 July 2013
Culture Life Opinion

sexism in the hiring process: is ‘mr’ really all it takes?

Jillian Blacker
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So you’re tired of your job, you’re well qualified and have bags of experience. You should be able to chuck it in and get a new one pretty quickly based on your impressive CV, right? Well, one Australian man had a completely different experience, with his CV leading to workplace discrimination rather than a fantastic…
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Monday 22 July 2013
Culture Featured Opinion

where are we going wrong with women in sport?

Stella Crawford

If the back (and often front) cover of your local News Corp paper is anything to go by, sport is big news in this country. The last few months have been sufficient proof, if anyone needed any more, that a culture of sexism in sport continues to be tolerated – in fact – accepted, in…
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Wednesday 10 July 2013
Culture Opinion Politics TV

in the media, sport and life, women have a use-by date

Marta Jasinska
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I remember when I was little, I was watching the news with a family member when the weather report came on. I mentioned that the very feminine presenter was ever so pretty, to which I was given the answer that she was probably chosen for that very reason as opposed to her understanding of meteorology….
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Friday 21 June 2013
Featured Opinion

love is a battlefield, consent is not

Sarah Iuliano

If no means no and yes means yes, then what about all the tricky little nuances of intimacy that aren’t vocalised? With little discussion on how to communicate consent in wider Australian society, people are attending consent workshops to learn how to say yes, no, maybe and use other methods to assert themselves in their…
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Tuesday 18 June 2013
Featured Life Opinion

opening doors for women in science

Stella Crawford

I finished my undergraduate science degree last week. I’ve learnt a lot from that experience. I’ve learnt a lot about chemistry, for starters. But I’ve also learnt that right now, what girls get told in high school about science is a lie. It’s a lie that goes, ‘More women study science than men these days….
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Sunday 16 June 2013
News Opinion World

In brief : woman fired for being victim of domestic violence

Zoya J. Patel
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A San Diego teacher has been fired after a domestic dispute involving her ex-husband occurred at the school she was employed at. Carie Charlesworth, formerly a primary school teacher, was fired for being a ‘liability’ to the safety of students and fellow staff at Holy Trinity School in El Cajon. Charlesworth’s ex-husband has a history…
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