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Why Should I Stir?

Because if this is who we are… we can be so much better! We need to stir it up!

Because the randomness of where you are born shouldn’t decide if you’re going to see your 5th birthday. 11 million children die every year before they are 5 years old. This is mostly due to easily preventable diseases like pneumonia, diarrhoea, measles and malaria. 54% of these deaths are attributed to malnutrition. 99% are in the world’s lowest-income countries.

Because the greatest threat in our time is not terrorism! 800 million people are “terrified” about starving to death when they go to bed hungry every night.

Because previous generations have tried and failed to make a world of peace and equality for all of us to enjoy. Now it’s up to us. We have the power, energy and passion to actually Make Poverty History.

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