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Wednesday 5 April 2017

memoir: the great escape

Emma Brooker
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I have never been one to free fall into addiction. The hook always skimmed close to my head, but it never latched. So many times, when I was battered and weak. You would think it would be so easy for me to then reach over an uncrossed line for a bottle or pill. I have…
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Thursday 2 May 2013
Health News

in brief: women told to avoid junk food during pregnancy

Claire Gallagher
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A South Australian study has found that expectant mothers who consume a diet high in junk food are more likely to give birth to children with a predisposition to junk food addiction. University of Adelaide researchers claim pregnant women are programming their unborn babies to be addicted to high-fat and high-sugar diets for life if…
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Thursday 19 July 2012

social media & technology: is it as good as we think it is?

Holly Lazzari
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Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest…the list goes on! So many social media and blogging pages, millions of people using them each day along with the thousands of dating websites around, are we just living in a fantasy world and losing the ability to interact with actual human beings? I think back to when I was growing…
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Wednesday 22 September 2010
Culture Opinion

my love affair with channel 10

Emma Schenk

When I got my first television set, I stopped caring so much about having close relationships – Andy Warhol. I was a television addict. No. Seriously, I was. I knew what was on at every time of the day. I was my very own TV guide. Most days, I would ‘study’ while watching Dr Phil,…
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