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Tuesday 16 July 2013
Culture Featured

dear belly button – a letter from the attention: people with body parts project

Lexie Bean
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Attention: People With Body Parts is a body-positive initiative with an emphasis on book-making, letter-writing, and collaborative projects. The international initiative is based in the United States – and soon to be Germany – has been featured multiple times in Lip as a feminist organization to look out for. Some of their upcoming projects include…
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Friday 21 June 2013
Featured Opinion

love is a battlefield, consent is not

Sarah Iuliano

If no means no and yes means yes, then what about all the tricky little nuances of intimacy that aren’t vocalised? With little discussion on how to communicate consent in wider Australian society, people are attending consent workshops to learn how to say yes, no, maybe and use other methods to assert themselves in their…
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Thursday 30 May 2013
Featured News Opinion Politics

(un)necessary Evil: japanese politician justifies military sex slavery

Ruby Grant
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While researching for my earlier piece on rape during wartime, I kept coming across the Japanese military use of “comfort women” during the mid-20th century through World War II. I had never heard about this before, which prompted me to read further. Comfort women, or “ianfu,” a euphemism for “shofu,” meaning prostitute, were women and…
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Thursday 4 April 2013
News Opinion

do we need anti-rape laws, or just anti-rape underwear?

Zoya J. Patel

In a response to the December 2012 gang rape of a medical student in India, which sparked huge protests and a call to the Indian government to address the growing issue of sexual assault and violence against women in the nation, three engineering students from SRM University in Chennai have come up with what they…
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Monday 11 March 2013

in brief: keep calm and rape them t-shirts cause uproar

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A series of t-shirts have been withdrawn from sale online at after consumer outrage over their apparent glorification and support of sexual and physical assault. The t-shirts featured statements like ‘Keep Calm and Knife Her ’, ‘Keep Calm and Rape Them’, and ‘Keep Calm and Hit Her’, to name a few. The t-shirts were…
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Friday 4 May 2012

urban (in)security: freedom to walk

lip magazine
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In Elizabeth Gaskell’s famous novel, North and South, Margaret Hale provokes outrage when she takes to the streets of industrialising Manchester. Her perambulations through the poor areas of the city to deliver food to a struggling family receive the condemnation of her male relatives and acquaintances, each absolute in their opinion of the extreme risk…
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