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Wednesday 25 January 2012
Culture Featured

so, what do lesbians do in bed? a personal account of coming out

lip magazine

If I had a dollar for every time someone has asked me ‘what do lesbians do in bed?’ I’d be a lot richer than I am today. However, right after that they usually ask how difficult it was to come out. It’s an interesting question, because the coming out experience is unique to the queer…
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Tuesday 15 November 2011
Culture Featured

the queer girl’s guide to coming out

lip magazine
One comment

Coming out is often portrayed in the media as One Big Event that changes the course of your life forever. While for some people, I’m sure coming out is something you do once only, and with a bang (Ellen DeGeneres springs to mind here), for most of us, coming out is something we do over…
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