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Tuesday 20 August 2013

is it okay: to go stag?

Elizabeth Flux

The music is loud and I have drink in my hand. For the last five minutes I have been leaning against the wall trying to simultaneously look nonchalant and avoid meeting anyone’s eye. It’s probably a mistake that I came here. I tuck the drink into the crook of my arm and get out my…
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Tuesday 28 May 2013
Culture Opinion

is it ok: to be indecisive?

Elizabeth Flux

I started writing this column at a point where I should be eating dinner because it was too difficult to decide what to eat and how much of it to make. Plus, you know, effort. After sitting, debating whether or not to turn my heater off, and literally just staring at my computer screen for…
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Tuesday 21 May 2013
Culture Life Opinion

is it ok: to photograph absolutely everything?

Elizabeth Flux
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In 2000 my class went on a school camp to Ballarat and we were given a list detailing the clothes to bring, the lollies to leave at home, and what other items were either required, allowed or forbidden. The list was long and strangely specific when it came to clothing, but somewhere in between Driza-Bone…
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Tuesday 16 April 2013
Culture Opinion

Is it ok: to correct grammar?

Elizabeth Flux

I know that by choosing this as a topic, I am also dancing with danger. Everyone with an Oxford Dictionary and a penchant for pedantry will be cracking out both their magnifying glass and their fine toothed comb, ready to pounce on any mistake I make as well as putting a tick in their alliteration…
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