So you’re tired of your job, you’re well qualified and have bags of experience. You should be able to chuck it in and get a new one pretty quickly based on your impressive CV, right? Well, one Australian man had a completely different experience, with his CV leading to workplace discrimination rather than a fantastic…
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Sitting at my desk after a week off work. Sleepless nights from sick children feel never ending. The big black circles that surround my eyes cannot be covered with make up. The phone rings. The day care mum’s name flashes across the screen. My stomach drops. ‘What now?’ is the question that crosses my mind….
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It’s who you know, not what you know. I’d always assumed this saying was a sign of questionable morals and the people who uttered such things were the privileged amongst us who’d never known the true meaning of hard work. But the reality is your contacts and your networks can be a valuable part of…
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Have you ever had that dream? The one where you’re working for yourself, running an indie record store/bookshop/café/bar/vintage clothing store? And every day is a dream-like holiday where you get to chat to your lovely customers, hang out in a gorgeous little shop and earn money directly from the source rather than through wages? Yeah,…
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Work. Employment. Doing it for the money – as lame as it can sometimes be, working is inherently a big part of our lives. Australia has a massive work culture – independence and financial stability are highly valued, and labour market attachment can be a huge definer of social mobility, welfare and our culture more…
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An array of young people are in a room together competitively solving Rubik’s Cubes. We got lost on the way to the event and a young man with a Rubik’s Cube t-shirt directed us to the hall, saying ‘you won’t miss the rattling of the cubes when you’re close’. He was quite right. The plastic…
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I’m stumbling through a chain store in the thick of late night shopping. Katy Perry’s voice pours through unseen speakers, stands of accessories jump out at me from thin air. Mirrors are fixed to the walls in a way that makes you slightly nauseous, with multiple copies of yourself staring back at you from behind…
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‘Teenage unemployment is still at an unacceptable high of 18.5 per cent and above 20 per cent in four out of 10 regions across Australia. In one in three regions over the past year teenage unemployment has actually increased.’ I pulled this out of Labor’s Social Inclusion policy document because it seems to be based…
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