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Tuesday 17 June 2014

sexy, diverse and inspiring: welcome to the world of feminist porn

Kirsty Wilson

Imagine that a world existed where it was easy to access sexy, diverse and inspiring erotica that wasn’t solely focused on the pleasure of men. What about having access to sex-positive websites, photo galleries and erotic stories created for those who want a little more depth to and intimacy in their smut. What would it…
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Thursday 28 November 2013
Feminism Opinion

pornography, feminism and my response to the 2013 film, lovelace

Heidi La Paglia

While the second wave feminist movement made considerable achievements for women in the second half of the 20th century, a tension arose in the late 1970s, which caused feminism to split into two: radical and liberal feminism. In the late 1970s and 1980s particularly, radical and liberal feminist groups took part in a number of…
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Tuesday 26 November 2013
Opinion Sexuality

(sex)uality: what is pornography teaching us about sex?

Danielle Scoins

NB: Some sites linked to within this article refer to sexually explicit adult material that may not be suitable for work. Earlier in the year I went to a live art installation project that featured some nude displays (both male and female). The event was quite an upmarket artistic event and there was nothing gratuitous…
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Friday 19 July 2013

the lip crew on pornography

lip magazine

Let today’s installment of ‘the lip crew on…’ be the happy ending to your working week. * ‘Pornography is a big topic. Are the women involved oppressed or empowered? And also, is pornography bad for women/people in general? For the former question, it seems like most people would say that if someone isn’t being forced…
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Thursday 6 June 2013
Culture Opinion TV

Why I don’t like the idea of a Girls porn parody

Jennifer Brown

Girls is one of my favourite shows. A few weeks ago I watched the entirety of season two in one day: it involved my bed, my laptop, pyjamas and more junk food than I’d like to admit. So, I have an unashamed love for Lena Dunham and her show. I know lots of people don’t….
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Wednesday 23 May 2012
Featured Sexuality

(sex)uality: my journey with porn

Sara Berndt

When I was in my second year of uni, I had a friend who was adamant that her boyfriend watching porn was the equivalent of him cheating on her. I thought this was completely unfair and inaccurate. So I took a bit of a pro-porn stance on the matter. As I saw it, porn was…
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