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Thursday 30 August 2012
Culture Featured

what the bic? an open letter

Melissah Comber

Dear Bic, I am writing to thank you for your creation of the revolutionary Bic ‘for Her’ range of pens. When I was a little girl I was considered to be a little different. At school I was taunted and cast aside. At recess the other girls took their dolls away from me, during art…
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Wednesday 4 January 2012
Featured Opinion

sexist advertising: show us some boob and we’ll buy anything

Jessica Barlow

Sex sells. I’m not denying that, but it shouldn’t have to be used to sell everything. Anyone with even an online advertising degree would agree. There was a time when advertisements for socks didn’t include a mostly nude woman lying in a provocative pose just to guarantee sales. Now it seems that the advertising world…
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