grease is the word
Hey all,
So I caught the very end of Grease before The Rocky Horror Picture Show came on last night and though I’ve seen it a few times before and know what it is all about, I still found myself even more surprised than I’ve been before about the end of the movie. It’s pretty appalling.
Not only does the movie make it a good thing that Sandra D goes from smart good girl to smoking, big-haired slut but the dance moves and the song are all about teenage sex. We can’t handle the idea of high school sex these days, how come in the 70s it was cool?
It boggles me that that movie was okay, is okay, is a classic teenage movie. What’s it telling teenagers? Dress slutty and have lots of sex in high school? I wonder if it would have been more of an issue if any of the actors actually appeared to be under the age of 30?
Or are we, despite our current fashion sense, really more prudish today than we were 30 years ago?
And one other thing – is Rocky Horror still a cult classic for teenager? Gals, do you go to the midnight movie, dress up, bring props and watch the performers in front of the screen while singing along to the movie? I’m already very sad that Heathers isn’t so well-known amongst todays teenagers, it would be a shame if Rocky Horror is a movie lost to teen culture as well.
I think ur right.
All teenage boys and girls do is think talk and see sex. No matter where you go there’s always something on the tv, on a poster, in a book, its like u can get away from it.
I love Rocky Horror. Its still one of my fav movies. I love musicals. and then movies like the corps bride, and the nightmare b4 christmas. i love those sorts of movies.
Love Nicole. xoxoxox