The Pill and Heath Ledger Naked
A report has been released about the Pill that notes 1 in 4 women who use this method of birth control will have their libido adversely affected. brought up a few good points about the time it took for the medical community to acknowledge this side effect, and how this medication would have been administered differently if it was men’s libido in question. Truly I’ve never been told by a medical professional that the pill might decrease my sex drive. Anyone care to correct me?
The conspiracy theorist in me wonders why the pharmaceutical companies worked so hard on Viagra, but not on ways to increase women’s libido. I know, I know, we’re not supposed to like it, but really, who are all these men having sex with?
Each other perhaps?
I think this year will be a whopper for issues of sexuality, especially if Heath Ledger wins a Best Actor Oscar for his role as a sexually conflicted cowboy in Brokeback Mountain. It’s already been banned in some movie theatres in the States and I’m sure we’ll hear an outcry from some of the Australian Religious Right groups. It sounds like a beautiful love story where two spunky actors get their kit off. All I can say is yeee – ha!
Is your libido working?