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lip lit: Granny’s Household Hints, Brenda Evans


I purcased my copy of Granny’s Household Hints; traditional trips for a clean, green home by one Ms. Brenda Evans for $5.99 from good ol’ QBD (sadly the only book store still on the go near my house). It was a quick affordable purchase that stood out from the crowd of sale books with the vintage-look cover and eco-appeal and, as I’ve come to realise, an even easier read. It’s 158 pages of  delectable eco-friendly and affordable ideas for managing your home the way that used to be considered common knowledge and there are a few reasons this was of particular interest to me and an interesting topic to bring up in a forum such as lip.

1). I am a stay-at-home wife in that although I work and do my own thing, my husband works part time and I keep the house. This is just how it is and not for any other reason than it needs to be done and I am at home. I do see this as an opportunity to extend the capabilities I have into the realm that women 50 years ago were tending to, but this is a personal yearning that has nothing to do with my perceptions on women as a whole.

2). I plan to live without the reliance and need for money and in order to do this, I have to know what I’m doing when it comes to preservation, nature and valuing the simple things in life. It seems that this isn’t the only reason this book has importance, either, seeing people being forced back into bare basics due to financial strain and the help that these hints and tips can provide can really make or break you.

3). Further on, when the zombie apocalypse hits, I’ll have more knowledge then you to survive. Bullets and bats will only last so long and I tend to use  natural knowledge to outlive the infestation and start the world anew. This is an ongoing process and not just relates to house and home; but it’s as good as place as any to begin.

The book, as you’d presume, recants many childhood memories from Ms. Evans and her granny taking on the house and family lifestyle that are most definitely from a different time. And I guess that’s the difference between now and then; that now I have the opportunity to choose more for my life then a housewife, if I were to choose to. However the ideas that everyone has their place in the home and all tasks get done as a family unit is really something that I hope to achieve.

Granny’s Household Hints satisfies my thirst in these three areas and although non-zombie specific, I feel more equipt in the know-how of eco-home keep then I did before.  I don’t want to spoil it for any of you our there with the same enthusiasm about eco-house keeping as I, but the contributions that lemon juice and bicarb soda can add to your house seem absolutely endless. With a remedy or aid for almost any cleaning, safety, financial and social encounter you might come across, this little book of tips is certainly kitchen keeper if I were ever to find one.

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