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q&a: lux

Describe your sound in five words or less.
Diverse. Poptacular. Electroar. Nostalgic. Lo-wave.

Was there a particular moment or artist that made you want to pursue music when you were growing up? Who were your early influences?
I’ve been singing since I can remember. When I was four years old I wished I was Dorothy from the Wizard Of Oz, and I would sing ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ until it drove my parents insane. I can also say that a lot of bands from the 50s & 60s were early influences. When I was a kid and all my friends were listening to Paula Abdul and New Kids on the Block, I was listening to mixed cassette tapes that my mom had made from records of bands like The Beatles, The Beach Boys, The Mamas and the Papas and The Everly Brothers. Listening to these bands early in life influenced me to always want to write a good melody.  I’m not sure which artist influenced me to actually pursue music, but I didn’t really get into writing & recording until after high school…pretty much when I stopped being scared to be myself.

How was your experience using crowd-funding for your upcoming album? $10,000 was quite an ambitious target – congratulations on achieving it! Were you ever worried you wouldn’t get there?
It was a nightmare! Okay, maybe not that bad, but we absolutely hated having to ask our fans for money. Since whatever income we were making at the time was used just to stay alive, we felt like we didn’t really have any other choice. As far as the outcome went, we were a little worried towards the end of the campaign that it wouldn’t work out, but a lot of family, friends & fans came around at the last minute.  We feel very blessed that so many people were willing to help us out.

Can you tell us the name of your upcoming album? What can we expect from it?
The title is We Are Not The Same. You can expect A smorgasbord of lo-fi new wave, indie rock & pop.

You seem to have an excellent relationship with your fans on social media, bow big a role do you think FB and Twitter (etc) now play in creating and maintaining a fanbase?
I think that facebook is huge because it’s so interactive.  We are still trying to figure out the Twitter thing, but once that happens we hope to bring our fans in on a more intimate level.

What are your other interests/passions?
I love drawing and traveling.

Who do you most admire?
Anyone who has struggled a lot in the music business but who stuck with it long enough to come out successful.

A song I wish I wrote/played is…
‘Heart of Glass’ by Blondie

I couldn’t live without…
An audio recording device

The best advice I ever received was…
A lot of people fail because they give up right before things are about to get awesome. If you truly believe in a dream, never EVER give up…it could be waiting right around the corner.

Do you think the music industry treats female musicians differently to male musicians? Do you think it’s more difficult for women to establish themselves?
To an extent. I think females are getting a better reputation as eclectic writers and performers, but most people still think of music producers and audio engineers as being men.

What does Lux have planned for 2012?
Right now we are doing a press & college radio campaign, and we are releasing our album on April 3. What happens after that? Who knows…we are just going to go with the flow. I personally am looking forward to playing live shows. There is no greater feeling than being on stage!

Have a listen to ‘Coroner’s Office’, the latest single from Lux below, and make sure you keep up with David and Leah on their facebook page to find out more about their upcoming, crowd-funded album, We Are Not The Same!

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