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Issue One – Summer 2002


issue 1

a caring life
simone davis interviews a young woman whose life is defined through her role as primary carer for her younger brother

a S.A.D. story: social anxiety disorder
kate walton explains the symptoms and stats, while kathy k. reveals her own struggle with the socially-crippling disorder

guy speak
the boys reveal what they most want in a girl!


be real: no body’s perfect
katana smith discusses the adelaide YWCA’s campaign to combat unrealistic modelling in the media

embryonic stem cell research: for and against
maria filardo introduces us to the current debate

your words

check out this chick

bullying and dare to dream!

one man one woman

books: night works by margaret clark, touch me by james maloney, outside permission by eleanor nilsson
music: nelly’s nellyville


reality bites: uni

flower power: lip interview with horticulturist kaiya chatto

life: eastern european style emma brennan reports from prague

fashion: pyjamas to match your personality

rate a date: mount stromlo observatory and café

sex[uality]: respecting your body and yourself: safety and consent are the keys to an enjoyable sexual experience

paul’s space: a discourse on age: getting old, being young and how music is an indicator of both

nerd’s eye view: the royalty of nonconformity: what is a nerd and why do we tease them?

my secret life: a stitching story: the comforts of cross-stitch

web girl: catch the vibe: lip talks to tom dawkins, founder of

the wire: reelife short film festival, national youth media awards and more

go girl: with mona duah from ghana

fighting words: french feminist luce irigary

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