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random acts of kindness

My mum was sitting at a train station a little while ago, thinking about how she’ll pay the bills and sustain a home -life for her kids through a very difficult time when a stranger of a truly strange nature came up to her and said, ‘Can I ask you a question… where is your smile?’

Needless to say, this brought out her smile.

We’ve all had those days when everything is going wrong and you really don’t want to be doing the things that need to be done. You might not have slept so well, your hair might not be sitting right, you might keep bumping into everything that isn’t even remotely in your way. But if we’re lucky enough, there might be something heart warming and special that really makes us realise what beauty and wonder there really is in the world.

Random acts of kindness (RAOK) is a concept worldwide that encourages people to simply think of others and share our love and care each and every day, without expectation of thanks or even acknowledgment. There are no guidelines or rules, but it aims to bring out the best in all of us to help make the world a happier and more thoughtful place to be. And this is your chance to realise your potential for changing the world…even if it is with just one smile at a time.

Here are a few ideas that might help spark your sense of selflessness and think about how you can make a positive, happy influence on others’ lives:

  1. Offer Free Hugs
  2. Never leave the house without a smile
  3. Leave small notes of encouragement in the library books
  4. Tell people how you feel about them; the good things as well as the not-so-good
  5. Be thoughtful to your friends and co-workers by a genuine compliment
  6. RAOK doesn’t need to cost money, but if you have it, splurge a little and give a few bucks to the busker down the road or pay for a stranger’s cup of coffee
  7. Have a conversation with someone you wouldn’t normally talk to
  8. When you see a rainbow, tell the nearest person to you
  9. Share your umbrella
  10. Celebrate the differences

Remember you never know what another person is going through and more often then not, your effort to share your bus seat, help carry someone’s bags or just show a smile can really make a difference. And if one person, with one question, can bring out one smile, like my mum’s, imagine the collective difference we all can make by always thinking of what Random Acts of Kindness we can do each day.

It’s important to keep inspired ourselves, so here’s a Youtube video, ‘Give Love’ by MC Yoshi, which I’ve found to be a lovely little heart warmer and boost of energy to share the love of the world with others. Check it out for some inspiration and be sure to wear your smile tomorrow!

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