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in brief: women are apparently ‘too busy’ for equal pay


The fight over equal pay continues to rage in Texas, and the head of a Republican political activist committee, targeting women voters, doesn’t support equal pay because ‘women are too busy.’

During an interview with local news WFAA, Redstate Women Executive Director, Cari Christman said that the GOP doesn’t support laws that address the gender wage gap. She dismissed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which extends the amount of time that women can file pay discrimination claims, by saying that women want ‘real-world solutions.’

When asked to share her alternative recommendations, Christman made a bizarre remark about women being too busy.

‘We lead busy lives, whether working professionally, whether working from home, and times are extremely busy,’ she told the WFAA. ‘It’s a busy cycle for women, and we’ve got a lot to juggle. So when we look at this issue we think, what’s practical? And we want more access to jobs. We want to be able to get a higher education degree at the same time we’re working or raising a family.’

Texas candidate Wendy Davis has made Republican opponent, Greg Abbot’s record on equal pay the focus of her campaign. As attorney general, Abbot successfully argued against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, yet continues to be evasive about his stance on equal pay.

‘Here’s a newsflash for Greg Abbot,’ said Rebecca Acuna, spokesperson for the Davis campaign. ‘Women aren’t “too busy” to fight for economic fairness for all hardworking Texans and they aren’t “too busy” to reject his business-as-usual opposition to equal pay legislation at the polls next November.

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