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A dash of inspiration…

I’ve been having more dilemmas lately. Well, more of a continued dilemma that I’ve been struggling with since I left school in 2007. I graduated from year 12, I got an okay OP, I accepted an okay uni offer and here I am today, still incredibly indecisive about what kind of job I’d like to have, and what occupation is going to be something that I don’t wake up in the morning dreading to do.

I’ve spent the last years worrying that if I study what I love, then I won’t make it in the industry. I hear about people not ‘making it’ in their chosen industry, and then having to work in menial jobs completely unrelated to what they want to do, and with the global financial crisis, wouldn’t it be more practical to choose an industry where people aren’t losing their jobs? Possibly.

However I have come to the recent conclusion that just because Ms. X can’t make it, it doesn’t mean that I can’t. Why can’t I be part of that small percentage that makes it? Why do I need to assume that I’ll be one of the ones that doesn’t make it. I don’t, and I shouldn’t.

So here’s for all you out there that aren’t sure if you’ll make it.

Whose to say it can’t be you? No-one! It most certainly can be you and it’s up to you to make it happen. A few tips that I’ve found handy for adding to your possible success.

Despite your surroundings, it’s up to you to believe in yourself. Confidence is a major key to unlocking your dream future and doubting yourself could lead to unnecessary disappointment. There will absolutely be times when you have trouble keeping the inspiration alive, but persistence can really pay off and can give you the chance to develop skills and understanding of what your chosen dream career can really be.

Having said that, know your limits, capabilities and if there is something you don’t know how to do, be open to learning it. You never know where the journey may take you!

Remember success can come in all shapes and sizes and may not be what you initially expect.

Image Credit: 1.

One thought on “A dash of inspiration…

  1. When we retire the retirement age will be 67 (it’s a little daunting, actually)… so there’s plentyyy of time for career changes if not everything goes to plan !
    But yes, you’re very right about self belief and an open attitude to learning.. they’ll help you not only in employment but will steer you through life 🙂

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