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the lip crew on marriage equality

Canada did it; the Netherlands did it; even Portugal, Spain and South Africa did it. New Zealand did it and, more recently, France did it. These countries are on a list of 14 whose governments have legalised what could arguably be one of the most contentious political issues of our times – marriage equality. No matter where you stand, there’s no denying it’s a hot topic.

As you’ll soon learn, the Lip Crew is an eclectic lot with fabulously diverse ideas, thoughts and opinions. Here’s what they had to say about marriage equality.

We encourage you to share your own thoughts on marriage equality in the comments section below.


‘Yay New Zealand! I think it’s odd that marriage equality isn’t a thing in Australia when so many people support it. Not that minority rights should be dictated by the majority anyway, but still, it’s odd. I get that many people (regardless of their sexuality) don’t want to get married for a whole host of reasons. It’s also perfectly good to not get married, or to not want to be in a long-term monogamous relationship, or in any relationship. All the same, same-sex relationships should be seen as just as legitimate and valuable and cause for as much celebration as any other, and marriage equality would go towards achieving that.’ – Erin Stewart, Literature Editor

‘New Zealand’s legalisation of gay marriage is wonderful, but it emphasises just how far behind Australia is in progressive social issues. We ought to congratulate any New Zealand couples that are just about to tie the knot, as well as PM John Key and his parliament for allowing them to do it. But with Gillard refusing to “agree” with our neighbours’ legislation, it looks like Australia still has a long way to go before gay marriage is recognised and legalised.’ – Michelle See-Tho, Writer

‘Quite simply, marriage equality would mean that I could get married here in Australia, and have that partnership recognised by law. Our government’s consistent refusal to recognise the legitimacy  of the queer community is both frustrating and incredibly sad. I firmly believe that Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott will be shown to be on the wrong side of history on this matter. I feel that marriage equality will make a huge difference to young people, by showing them that they are not second-class citizens, and I hope it happens soon, for their sake especially.’ – Amy Nicholls-Diver, News Editor

‘I don’t believe in marriage – any kind of marriage, straight or “gay”. I’ve never thought signing a religious and/or legal document is necessary to make the bonds of love between individuals legitimate. I think the hosting of an out of proportion festival of self-indulgence that is the mainstream Western consumerist wedding is unnecessary. But if other people want to do it, that’s fine. I believe anyone, regardless of gender identity, sexuality or sexual preference should be given equal ability to express their love for one another – even if it does involve awkward seating arrangements and those icky white candied almonds.’ – Ruby Grant, Writer

‘The recent legalisation of marriage equality in New Zealand makes me proud to be in the same hemisphere as them. But it makes me sad that our country is still debating over which Internet provider is better rather than focusing on this important issue. Marriage equality shouldn’t even be a matter of law. Marriage is not a privilege; it’s a human right, and it should not be restricted in the way it has been for so long. Well done, New Zealand. Australia – time to step up your game. I hope that history does not look back on this issue and see Australia as a disappointment.’ – Alexandra Van Schilt, Writer

‘Bobby is my friend. We say that we’re going to get married, have cute curly haired babies, tonnes of cats and a fabulous marriage of convenience deeply rooted in a true friendship. The fact that a marriage of convenience is the only way Bobby can get married right now makes me sad. And angry. You see, Bobby is gay. And smart. And kind. And a total sweetheart. He isn’t violent, or corrupt or out to destroy America. He just wants to meet a nice guy, fall in love, get married and have a family. He basically wants what I want! No-one’s homosexuality, bi-sexuality, pan-sexuality or any-sexuality gets in the way of someone else’s life. If you find someone in this gigantic world who loves you as much as you love them; who wants to marry you and spend forever with you, you are lucky. And you deserve to be happy! Every single person in the universe should have the right to marry the person they love — regardless of gender. Period.’ – Junene Taylor, Columnist

‘New Zealand MP Maurice Williamson famously said last week that “the most enormous big gay rainbow” had risen over his electorate. I live in Malcolm Turnbull’s electorate. There is a high concentration of gay couples living here, and Turnbull has been outspoken in his support of marriage equality in the past (his wife’s godfather is Michael Kirby, the former high court Justice). I am confident that, were Turnbull allowed a conscience vote on the subject, he would reflect what is the majority view of his electorate and support the legislative change. It must be frustrating for Turnbull to not only be forced to support legislation with which he does not personally disagree, but which also does not reflect the will of his electorate. In forbidding a conscience vote on the bills before Parliament last year, Tony Abbott showed himself to be the enemy of the Liberal values on which his party was founded, and a coward in the face of possible disagreement. It is clear that we will never have marriage equality while he is Liberal leader, and our own glorious rainbow will remain out of reach.’ – Frances Chapman, Writer

‘The kiwi bird has poor eyesight. Following their mascot, the New Zealand government has voted that love is at least blind to a person’s gender, allowing same-sex marriage. It is time for the Australian government to adopt the mannerisms of the animals on our federal coat of arms, the emu and the kangaroo, which can only move forward.’ – Sarah Iuliano, Writer

‘I have been so pleased to see all of the articles and general support surrounding marriage equality over the last few years; with each country passing marriage equality laws showing that the people’s voices aren’t going unheard. But I can’t help but feel sad at the same time whenever one more person shows their support for marriage equality, because we shouldn’t even have to be talking about it. It is 2013. The idea that people still aren’t equal in the eyes of the law is shameful. We should have come further than this by now. We are better than this. There is so much hate and injustice in the world as it is; we should be celebrating love, not putting conditions on it and creating more hate and injustice in the process.’ – Kaylia Payne, Writer

‘While I don’t know why anyone, gay or straight, would be rushing into a legally binding contract based historically on what amounted to slavery in its inception, borne from a religion the majority find, if not laughable, at least irrelevant, and you have a 40% chance of failure in Australia, I do know that we all deserve the right to make our own regrettable decisions in this life, so long as we aren’t harming anybody else. The State should have no right to legislate against us, if this is the case. Really though, if you genuinely believe in your fundamental rights to express yourself however you choose, why the hell are you buying into outdated ceremonial hogwash, which you have the opportunity to completely circumnavigate by creating your own joyful rituals based on love and not the right to each other’s property?’ – Audrey K. Hulm, Writer

‘Typical progressive New Zealand. Always showing off. What New Zealand has accomplished has the troublesome status of being both uplifting and a depressing reminder of how behind Australia is. My insides are all confused; fuzzy, yet cold. The next month or so will help me out. Pressure on Abbott to allow his party a free vote on equality will hopefully rise. Maybe Labor will even realise that his tyrannical rule here could make a good campaigning point (I acknowledge that that’s impossible). But there’s also sadness: same-sex marriage probably won’t be a federal issue until after the election. There’s a manufactured debt issue to deal with, after all. Ireland’s referendum on marriage equality looms. If Ireland, traditionally a quite conservative country, mandates equality before Australia, I reserve the right to be ashamed for at least a month. Feel free to join me. Ain’t no party like a shame party.’ – Cory Zanoni, Writer

‘I could launch into a spiel about economic benefits and the advances in social justice; one that refutes religious propaganda and addresses varying opinions based on generation and upbringing, but at the end of the day the fight for marriage equality is not about those things. It’s about being able to share your love for another person the same way heterosexual couples can. It’s pretty simple when you boil it down like that, I think.’ – Melissah Comber, Columnist

‘Last year, I married my long-term partner, Daniel, in Melbourne. Why? Because I wanted to, and because the law in Australia says that’s OK. To stand up in front of our family and friends and declare our love for one another, and have that declaration recognised by law, was special and exciting and so many other things I can’t put into words. As we know, marriage isn’t a privilege afforded to everyone in this country, and if Daniel happened to be a woman, well, we’d probably have to fly over to Auckland to get hitched. Sure, not everyone cares for marriage – some may even detest it – and I respect that, but this isn’t the issue; the issue here is affording everyone – no matter where they sit on the sexuality spectrum – the same rights so they’re able to make a choice, rather than have it made for them by way of denial. I’m hopeful that we’re heading in the right direction, but to repeat something I once read on the Internets: “I can’t believe we’re still protesting this shit”.’  – Josephine Mandarano, Managing Editor

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