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Monday 10 June 2013
Culture Health Life Opinion

will life be better in our twenties or our forties?

Sarah Iuliano
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I turned 20 recently and I am so ‘old’. Old, old, old. Or at least, that’s how the majority of my 20-going-on-80-year-old friends would lead me to believe. I am the youngest in my circle, and as such they kindly passed on some knowledge of the other side (of adolescence, that is) to me: ‘You’ll…
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Wednesday 5 September 2012
Culture Featured

happiness: no longer just a luxury for retirement

lip magazine
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We’ve all seen or at least heard about it happening: the 45-55 year old dad,who starts sleeping with his secretary, buys a fancy car and starts up a random new hobby like entering the dog into shows or paragliding off the sides of cliffs. Through frequency this has become a normal matter of course and…
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Tuesday 28 August 2012
Culture Featured

in defence of quarter-life-crisis-itis

Coco McGrath

In approximately three weeks time I will turn twenty-one. I will be waving goodbye to my idyllic childhood and stumbling drunkenly into the Brobdingnagian adult world. This is probably a milestone I should be excited about right? It’s an excuse to throw a party, gorge myself on canapés, and drink expensive champagne. Everyone has to…
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