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Thursday 28 March 2013

interview: nicky bomba from the melbourne ska orchestra

lip magazine
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  The vibrancy and animation you find in the Melbourne Ska Orchestra’s debut self-titled album is a genuine ear opener. Composed of seasoned professional musicians who have perfected the ability to improvise, their overall sound can be described as nothing short of fresh and magical. Nicky Bomba (John Butler Trio, Bomba, Bustomento), whom I was…
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Wednesday 14 March 2012

festival review: womadelaide 2012

Serrin Prior
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WOMAD, or World of Music and Dance, is about people together and introducing them to music they would likely have never heard before – certainly not on the top 40 charts anyway (or whatever it is that we typically measure ‘good’ music by). This four day festival experience, which takes place in Adelaide’s beautiful Botanic…
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Wednesday 2 November 2011

festival review: womad earth station, belair national park, 21 – 23 october 2011

Britt Chatburn
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Put on your hemp hat and take off your shoes – Womad Earth Station Festival is here! After almost twenty years of festivals in the Adelaide CBD, this year Adelaide Wo-goers were treated to a three-day camping style festival in peaceful Belair National Park.  Those old enough may remember a pre-election letter mailed out in…
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Friday 18 March 2011
Arts Culture Music

festival review: womadelaide 2011

Dunja Kay
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Even when you don’t personally enjoy them, it’s usually quite easy to understand why a particular music festival has become popular. Womadelaide, however, doesn’t have the makings of a festival that should’ve become a mainstream and hugely successful event based on first appearances. Adelaide itself isn’t typically seen as a major drawcard for tourists, and…
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Thursday 24 February 2011

interview: 17 hippies

Dunja Kay
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After having played at the WOMAD festivals in Italy and England over the past couple of years, 13-piece German outfit, 17 Hippies, is arriving on Australian soil for the Womadelaide festival, taking place in Adelaide’s Botanic Park March 11th-14th, 2011. Forming in a less conventional way than most bands, 17 Hippies originally began as a…
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