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harry fucking potter

Were blogs created as tools to rant out anger? It seems to be what I’ve been using this one for lately.

I’ve never been an angry person, but my god, it’s like the last few months everything makes my blood boil. Erin, my dear, I think I have just become an angry feminist.

So, Allan got free tickets to go see the new Harry Potter movie. I loved the first couple movies. After the first two books, I hadn’t felt the need to read anymore, so I didn’t go in knowing the story. But I came out of the theatre wanting to scream. To fly to England and give J K Rowling a big shake and ask her if she … see all I want to do is write/say fuck. I’m angry! How she can fucking be so misogynistic. She’s a female!!!! She’s got a generation of children eating out of the palm of her hand and all she can give them is the same old gender bullshit that confronts us all the time. What a waste.

This is the last H P movie for me.

And he’s such a loser. Okay, when he was 12 I could deal with the little wimpering, reluctant hero thing, but now he’s been through some adventures can’t he just show some fucking spine? It’s irritating.

But, obviously that’s not really what’s making me mad. So Hermione has to get all prettied up and turn everyone’s head. She has to fall for the big, silent, strong brute and Harry gets all stupid in front of a pretty girl. Hermione has to be jealous that no one pays attention to her (sexually). And she doesn’t do anything in this movie, no brains, all jealousy. Harry’s helped by a bunch of father-figures, no gals in sight. Then there’s the girls in blue who look like a bunch of Swedish blonde stewardesses, followed by the young warriors with their weapons and aggro (these are the students of competing schools). And in the big competition, there’s one girl (representing the stewardesses) and three boys. And guess who comes in last each round of the competion. Of course, the girl. Oh, and lets not forget the stained glass mermaid in the spa room who twirls her hair and pouts. And the giggly girl ghost who in the first movie (if I remember correctly) threw awesome tantrums but now just wants to see Harry’s penis.

I much preferred when Rowling stuck to creating a great magical world that transferred well to screen. She’s not enough of a writer to tackle teen issues. And she’s a lousy role model for girls.

I’m never gonna get to sleep…

One thought on “harry fucking potter

  1. Okay, I know this is way old, but I’m a Harry Potter fan and had to comment.

    In the book Hermione did get all dolled up for the ball, but there’s a positive message to it. After the ball she went back to her regular self. And I’m not sure exactly what inspired Hermiones comments, because it’s been a while since I’ve read the book, but I think someone asked her something like “why doesn’t she continue paying attention to her looks like she did at the ball?” She replied that it’s not worth it to her. Using straightening potions on her hair and putting on makeup is too much work and takes up too much time. Time that could be spent on school work and other important things. She realized that she doesn’t need to do these things because she would just rather be who she is and these things don’t really interest her any ways. Please don’t judge the book or the author by the movie. JKR doesn’t write the movies.

    And even though the movie didn’t include Hermiones comments above, I still don’t think the movie was sexist. They wanted to include Hermiones makeover (which in the movie isn’t much of a makeover, like it is in the book, because they’ve been “beautifying” her since the 2nd movie) and the fact that Harry and Ron finally recognize that their best friend is a girl, without including the whole sub plot/moral lesson that Hermione learns more about herself (That happens through out most of the book). They just don’t have time to include whole sub plots. They don’t even have time to include all the major plot points. They have to edit the story down a lot to fit it in a 2 hour movie. And what did you expect? For Hermione to go to the ball in jeans and a tshirt? All the girls dressed up, and even the guys!

    I think JKR had Fleur loose the tournaments because of her semi-bad personality and big ego, not because she was a girl. Her loosing was necessary for this character to become a little more humble at the end of the book, and even more so at the end of the series. Just like Hermiones situation, the movie didn’t go this deep into the story line.

    I understand that the above was probably just a misunderstanding because the movie didn’t manage to portray these situations as well as the book did, but I also don’t agree with most of your other comments and I’m a little confused by them.

    – What’s wrong with a guy being big, strong and silent? Victor is very kind to Hermione and polite to everyone else. I find that the few real life men with these qualities are the same or similar as Victor. They’re the type of man I like. Plus, I wish more guys would be silent. lol
    – The girls from the Buxbouton (sp?) school are from some country in Northern Europe. It may even be Sweden. I forget. So of course most will be blonde with Northern European features.
    – I thought the boys from Durmstrang and their entrance was hot! They incuded some eye candy for the girls just like they did for the guys (with the girls from Buxbouton). I don’t see why a feminist would have a problem with this part. I would be a little miffed if they left it out. Though I don’t know what aggro means.
    – And mermaids are bad because? I like both the traditional mermaids (like in the stained glass) and the Harry Potter version of mermaids. The traditional image of a mermaid was very empowering for me as a female teen (though I don’t know why as I’m not part fish). Why is it anti-female?
    – That’s just Mertyls (sp?) character. She’s weird. But I don’t see how it’s a feminist issue. I thought it was very funny. Usually guys are the perverts, but this time it’s a girl, and a young child ghost at that. It’s supposed to be funny because it’s so out of the norm and probably very embarrassing for Harry to be sharing a bath with a pervert ghost who’s trying to look at his man bits! If anything I can picture males complaining that this was anti-male. Imagine if the gender roles were switched. And she doesn’t “just want to see his penis”. She actually helped him figure out that egg thing… Then she tried to see his penis.

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