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Thoughtful Charity

“Daddy, some people lost all of their belongings, don’t you think that means sporting equipment too?” As Cher Horowitz [Clueless, 1995] exclaimed to her father while clearing her mansion of items that can be used by others who are less fortunate. This movie is not only an innocent, feel good film but also with a deeper meaning and got me thinking. Although charity is a wonderful thing, I believe that is it not up to us to determine the charities that should be given to the less fortunate. Thoughtful charity is the way to go. I mean, seriously considering what someone in need could use, not just assuming that they are ungrateful when you give them something that you assume they need. Its unfair to both parties. So my message for all you readers:

Be thoughtful; consider people individually and DO NOT stereotype people. How would you feel if you were judged straight out and not given an equal chance at anything because you were less fortunate than others.

Do one good deed a day/week. If you enjoy a piece of fruit, bring one for your friend/s also. Compliment someone, smile and everyone you meet and always be open to change.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and be yourself; you never know where you can go unless you give things a go. Face your fears and stand up for what you believe in, you’ll not regret trying.

I hope that you all have had a wonderful Australia day weekend and wish you all peace, laughter and thoughtful charity.


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