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Monday 20 March 2017
Life Memoir

memoir: particles

Emma Brooker
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None of it matters. The plastic, the gadgets, the high glossed magazines; the heels with the right brand name, faded out on the soles, from all the running you do to keep in front. Things obtained to make life easier, dull a pain, stroke an ego; to make you feel like you mean something while you hurl…
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Monday 20 February 2017
Featured Memoir

memoir: the blister

Emma Brooker
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It was a painful blister, on the arc of my right foot. It was one that had stopped me wearing closed in shoes for a week. It was red raw and puffed up and as big as a 20 cent piece. It had happened as all good blisters do. Having fun. My husband and I…
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Wednesday 27 February 2013
Featured Life

learning to let go: when the strongest person you know leaves your life

lip magazine

When you were younger, they were the strongest person you knew. They were bigger and braver and smarter than everyone else. Ever since you can remember, they protected you from the outside world. Their words of wisdom, discipline and love all created a shield from pain, disappointment and fear.  They held your hand through scraped…
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Tuesday 17 July 2012
Arts Books

Wild: Adventures and Transformations

Erin Stewart
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When one feels lost in life, lacking in direction, miserable, one should go on an adventure. I know this thanks to books such as Eat, Pray, Love, Tales of a Female Nomad, Unfinished Business, and A Thousand Days In Venice. Adventures are transformative. Especially if they are difficult and involve travel. They’re particularly good after…
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