The Bourne Legacy (directed by Tony Gilroy), is an expansion of the universe from Robert Ludlum’s novels. It follows Aaron Cross (played by Jeremy Renner) – one of the agents of ‘Operation Outcome’ who has been instructed to take a performance-enhancing drug. When a potential risk threatens the secrecy of the operation – the CIA decide…
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Brave is a typical feel-good Pixar film. It’s the story of a young girl defying her family’s expectations, a spell that causes chaos and redemption and three young cake-stealing, trouble-causing triplets. It begins with a skilled archer Merida (Kelly Macdonald), who rallies against her betrothal and makes an ill-fated wish to change her fate, bringing chaos…
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Why is Christmas so disappointing for adults? Ever since I was a kid, Christmas was the best thing in the year, the thing I most looked forward to. But as many others will probably agree, as you get older, that magic lessens and especially in my case, is replaced by a pessimism and cynicism I…
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Margin Call (directed and written by up-and-coming filmmaker J.C Chandor), stars Zachary Quinto, Stanley Tucci and Kevin Spacey and follows how the key people in an investment bank handled the first 24-hour period of the global financial crisis. It begins at a major bank with a low-level risk analyst (played by Zachary Quinto – Heroes, Star…
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Anonymous is a political thriller advancing the theory that it was in fact Edward De Vere, the Earl of Oxford who penned Shakespeare’s plays while Shakespeare took all the fame. It is set against the backdrop of the succession of Queen Elizabeth The First and the rebellion that was led against her. To begin with,…
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Many aspiring journalists have one common problem. How do I get my foot in the door? How do I start my career? Any journalist will tell you that starting off is hard, and it requires a lot of work. But how to begin? Freelance journalists Joanne Brooker, Andrew McMillen and Dean Saffron stress to keep…
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Athos: “There were four of us against forty of them.” The Queen: “Was it forty? Or four hundred?” Athos: “Just forty… it was an off day.” Based on the book by Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers is an action/comedy directed by Paul W.S Anderson. The story follows the young, hot-headed D’Artagnan (Logan Lerman) who travels…
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Bernie Nolan reviews the disappointing action thriller Abduction, starring Taylor Launter.
Bernie Nolan reviews the remake of the horror comedy Fright Night, starring Colin Farrell
Bernie Nolan reviews the new installment in the Johnny English series.
Bernadette Chapman reviews the Western/Sci-fi hybrid Cowboys & Aliens
Bernadette Chapman reviews the comedy Hot Rod (2007) starring Andy Samberg and Australia’s Isla Fisher.