In my last column, I wrote about some of the interesting material sent to me via Google alerts. Google alerts is a function that can send you anything written about a particular topic on the internet. Not long after this column was on Lip, the alert proved to be even more useful as I discovered…
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What would we do without Google? Well I for one would be slightly lost, given that I receive alerts on anything to do with anti-feminism published on the Internet. So what does an alert on anti-feminism send to my inbox several times a week? The answer is lots of articles expressing disgust and hatred towards…
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This article is inspired by Margie Abbott, the wife of Tony Abbot who came out yesterday to dispute suggestions Tony Abbott has a problem with women in power. It’s not surprising Margie Abbott has said this considering they have been married a number of years, but is she defending the indefensible? This question led me…
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The words ‘feminist’ and ‘fun’ are not usually words synonymous with each other in the vocabulary of an anti-feminist. But I was reminded of this with an article in a recent issue of The Sunday Age titled ‘Just like a feminist, only funnier’. It was an article about Caitlin Moran, a feminist, journalist and regular…
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The Melbourne Writers Festival has come and gone for another year. For three wonderful days I listened to ideas, discussion and debates about all manner of things. But the favourite was seeing and hearing Germaine Greer. I didn’t go to the keynote she presented but thought an individual session would be more about her own…
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It is only a week till the Melbourne Writers Festival and I can’t wait!! I’m excited not only because I will be close to bakeries that make delicious cupcakes but also because I am going to see Germaine Greer. I find her fascinating not only as a person but also because no matter what anyone…
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If you were of the anti-feminist persuasion, you would probably say feminists have been getting too much space in the mainstream media of late and getting in a tizz over nothing. If you are of the feminist persuasion you would realise that feminists have actually identified an important issue: the double standards between Unilever’s ‘Love…
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The world will end soon. And feminism will be responsible. Feminists are thought to have caused so much pain and destruction that very little will survive this feminist assault. Anti-feminists believe changes to the traditional family are some of the best examples of how relentless and damaging feminism has been. I don’t need to tell…
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