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Wednesday 12 December 2012

feminism and testicles: love in the time of cholera

Broede Carmody

Christopher Bantick’s opinion piece ‘Sex with a child is not the stuff of the school curriculum’ has caused quite a bit of controversy. The article was penned last week and suggests that Gabriel Marquez’s novel Love in the Time of Cholera is ‘offensive because it says repeatedly that screwing … a child for art’s sake’…
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Wednesday 28 November 2012

feminism and testicles: andybob and a voice for men

Broede Carmody

A few weeks ago a lovely character by the name of Andybob left a series of comments on my article about Tracey Spicer and misogynists. He accused me of insinuating that misogynists are gay because I offered them ‘lavender-scented tissues’. It goes without saying, but we’re no longer living in the 1960s. Saying ‘lavender’ instead…
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Wednesday 14 November 2012
Featured Opinion

feminism and testicles: steve kates on ‘damaged women’

Broede Carmody

RMIT lecturer Steve Kates wrote an opinion piece for the Quadrant blog last week called ‘The 47% majority’. Kates blamed Obama’s re-election on the ‘cohort of damaged women’ and ‘social sciences know-nothings’. ‘Re-electing Obama has endangered our way of life and may even make it unsustainable,’ he wrote. ‘We are in dangerous times.’ What is…
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Wednesday 31 October 2012

feminism and testicles: tracey spicer versus misogynists

Broede Carmody

I almost feel sorry for today’s misogynists. They’ve taken quite the beating lately (from our Prime Minister and from the public). If this goes on I might find it within my heart to lend them a box of tissues. Lavender scented, of course. Recently, journalist Tracey Spicer wrote an open letter to misogynists. In the…
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Thursday 25 October 2012
Featured News

in brief: latest amp-natsem report highlights womens’ economic disadvantage

Broede Carmody

Being female is an economic disadvantage, according to the latest AMP-NATSEM report. The report states that Australians who finish high school earn an average $2.07 million in their lifetime. This is in comparison to roughly $1.74 million for people who did not complete year 12. However men have a significant advantage over women, irrespective of…
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Thursday 18 October 2012
Featured Opinion

feminism and testicles: women won’t be silenced by men

Broede Carmody
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Earlier this week I attended the launch of The Peach, an online magazine that is all about acceptance, inclusiveness and telling it like it is. The magazine is written by women for women and its content ranges from articles on contemporary issues to more traditional areas such as beauty and fashion. Considering the recent issues…
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Wednesday 3 October 2012

feminism and testicles: why can’t we be friends?

Broede Carmody
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I was leaving a lecture last semester when someone in my class struck up a conversation with me. ‘So where’s all the girls you normally hang around?’ he asked. I was taken aback by the casualness of the comment and how the speaker seemed to insinuate something else. ‘You mean my friends?’ I said, emphasising…
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Wednesday 19 September 2012
Culture Featured

feminism and testicles: peeing on manga girls at the asian beer cafe

Broede Carmody
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Recently a group of friends and I went to Melbourne Central’s Asian Beer Cafe. After a few drinks I made my way to the bathroom as one tends to do after consuming a few ciders. What I found made me pause. On the urinal there were three manga girls. And they weren’t wearing much in…
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