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Thursday 23 January 2014

in brief: there’s a chair in there, and racism as well

Sarah Iuliano
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A Russian socialite and magazine has apologised for a photo shoot featuring a chair condemned as racist. Magazine Buro 24/7 published images on its website of art magazine editor, Dasha Zukhova sitting on a chair sculpted as a crushed and bound woman of African appearance. The chair’s artist, Bjarne Melgaard, crafted the work as homage…
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Tuesday 3 December 2013
News Politics World

in brief: republican party tweet typo sparks flurry of comments

Bridget Conway

  Perhaps some Americans had a bit too much turkey and stuffing last week, or maybe the Republican Party just needs to hire an intern to check spelling and grammar mistakes on social media. Nonetheless, Sunday proved to be an interesting day on Twitter with the GOP tweeting a photo of Rosa Parks with the…
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Thursday 28 November 2013
Culture Opinion

katy perry’s geisha performance an act of love, not racism

Kezia Lubanszky

The 2013 American Music Awards took place on Sunday night, Lady Gaga arrived on a horse, Miley Cyrus wore clothes and Katy Perry, who performed her new song, ‘Unconditional,’ has now been labelled a racist. Why? Because she dressed as a geisha. The star’s costume included a kimono (well, actually, it was a cheongsam), traditional…
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Tuesday 19 November 2013
Music Opinion

hard out here: the rights and wrongs of lily allen’s feminism

Bridget Conway

Last week, pop singer Lily Allen posted online a music video of her latest song ‘Hard Out Here.’ Within two days, video received over 2 million hits on YouTube and consequently, a whirlwind of articles, tweets and ‘WTF?’ exasperations have been voiced from fans and haters all over the globe.  The premise is that Allen…
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Monday 18 November 2013
News Politics

in brief: abbott administration set to lift ban on offensive and racist language

Bridget Conway
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Attorney-General George Brandis announced last week that his first act of legislation would be to lift a ban on racial vilification that was put into place almost two decades ago. In 1995, laws were put into place to give people who were effected by racial slurs and harmful language to seek action, which could lead…
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Saturday 16 November 2013
Culture News Opinion

forever21 sparks racist claims with ‘street-chic’ necklace

Matilda Mornane
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It has not been a good year for US retail giant Forever21. The trendy chain store found itself in hot water earlier in the year for a leaked company memo that indicated the ‘slashing’ of work hours and health care benefits for all retail employees. More recently, Forever21 came under fire on Twitter for releasing…
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Tuesday 22 October 2013

daily feminist news 22.10.13

Ruby Grant
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In case you missed it: ACT becomes first Australian state/territory to pass same-sex marriage bill! Earlier today the ACT became a lot more hip and happening when it became the first Australian state/territory to pass a bill that, if it doesn’t get overturned by the high court, could legalise same sex marriage! Very impressed, Canberra,…
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Wednesday 18 September 2013
Featured Opinion

is makeup racist?

Zoya J. Patel

This post was first published on Zoya’s blog, The Coconut Chronicles, where she muses on the difficulties of toeing the line between two cultures as an Indian-Australian. I’ll just put it out there – I’ve never been a big makeup fan. Not just for feminist reasons (and even then, my biggest issue is with hair…
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Monday 26 August 2013
Culture Featured Opinion World

Lady Gaga’s bizarre burqa song is not ’empowering’. No, really.

Zoya J. Patel

In case we weren’t convinced yet that she’s the queen of controversy, a recently leaked song from Lady Gaga’s forthcoming album, ARTPOP, has the pop singer regaling us with half-formed, ignorant lyrics about the burqa. The song, either entitled ‘Aura’, or ‘Burqa’, includes the lyrics ‘I’m not a wandering slave I am a woman of…
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Saturday 10 August 2013
Featured News

apology for causing the blues over ‘the sapphires’

Jillian Blacker

  The 1960s is associated with many things; flower power, great music, Woodstock and free love. There was also a darker side which is equally well documented, the Vietnam War, political movements and the racial and social tensions of this period. Many of these elements were explored in the Australian movie The Sapphires, based on…
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Wednesday 5 June 2013
Culture Featured Opinion

Am I ‘too sensitive’ or are you ‘too racist’?

Zoya J. Patel

When you write about controversial topics, you soon become used to being vilified for your opinions. As a feminist writer and editor, I have become used to being labeled a ‘man-hater’ or a harpie, being accused of low intelligence or of blatant lies, and generally being maligned and ridiculed by anti-feminists across the internet (and…
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Tuesday 4 June 2013
Featured Opinion Politics

On Checking and Being Checked: Working through Hate Speech

Lexie Bean
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“Have you heard a comment that you wanted to call out, but not felt comfortable articulating your discomfort? Have you been called out on a remark and felt less than proud about your response? Are you struggling to balance the affirmation of anger with the opportunity to educate? How do you keep the doors to…
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Monday 11 February 2013
Featured Film

django unchained: classic tarantino or just kind of racist?

lip magazine

This article was first published on So, we all know what’s up with Django Unchained (and if you don’t, read this). Tarantino has another hit on his hands: the reviews are good, the best actor/script/picture nominations are in, and the internet is abuzz with cool film cats singing the praises of the film’s “awesome…
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Tuesday 12 June 2012

Is it okay: to read Enid Blyton books?

Elizabeth Flux

For a large percentage of my childhood I dreamed of being in the Secret Seven. I’d imagine having meetings in my shed, call all bread “jammy buns” and look for evidence of nefarious crimes everywhere. Laughing neighbours were smugglers, the man driving down my street a painting thief, and any abandoned wrappers or cigarette butts…
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